Your From address is your online identity. Contacts may add you to their contact list or "safe list" as a result of knowing it came from you. If possible, send from a standard "From" address, but use different "Reply-To" addresses, as necessary.
Why this is important
Ensures that emails from this address land in the inbox, not the junk folder. By default, links and images are allowed, allowing you to track open rates and click rates better. Also, it improves your reputation as a sender; the more people who have your From address in their Address books, the better your reputation will be.
How to change your from address
There are times when a new address is needed - either due to a domain change, a reorganization, or other reasons. If you need to change it, follow these steps:
- 1. Tell everyone about it
Send a newsletter to your contacts before you do it. Ask them to add your new From address to their Contact list.
- 2. Warning Signs
You may want to include a warning at the top of the newsletter leading up to the changeover.
- 3. The domain
The From domain should be the same as the URL they entered when signing up.For example, if you were able to sign up at, then you should send an email from or
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