The Domain Name System
Connecting to websites is made possible by matching human-readable domain names with unique IDs of websites on servers; this is known as the Domain Name System or DNS. It's similar to a phone contact list, except that a domain's IP address appears rather than a person's name and number.
The importance of proper DNS entries
The DNS entries for your clients should be set up in order to maximize their deliverability. Clients can send emails from your domain if this is enabled. This article discusses the importance of authentication in more detail.
Set up your DNS entries
Here's how to set up these entries correctly:
- Go to Settings.
- Select Your Site Settings.
- Set up your DNS.
You are now presented with 3 steps. In Step 1, enter your domain name (the same one you used to set up your Site URL)
You will find out which tracking, bounce, and forward entries you can use in Step 2. If you want all links to appear as sent from your own domain and not ours, this is crucial. (Tracking links are inserted upon delivery to your existing links)
The information you need to add to your domain's DNS will be provided in this step. To add these entries, you will need to log into your hosting provider's DNS panel.
As soon as the changes are propagated, you'll see a confirmation page. Note that it may take several hours for changes to propagate.
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